
The Journey of a lifetime Pt. 1

Well I cannot believe it but as of June 1 st I have been at oneChurch.tv and in the Clarksville area for over a year. It has been abs...

Well I cannot believe it but as of June 1st I have been at oneChurch.tv and in the Clarksville area for over a year. It has been absolutely amazing to be a part of such an amazing community and an amazing body of believers that genuinely wants to love God and His people.

This past year has brought so many things that I wouldn’t really know where to begin to share with everything that God has done! From the 29 days without a day off to the 16 salvations I have gotten to see just in the Family ministry of oneChurch. That doesn’t include 45 to 50 other people I saw come to know Jesus as their personal savior. From kicking off OneWay Street to beginning a new Student Ministry and forging a new partnership with another location all the way to just recently leading a small group. Each has been its own Journey with ups and downs (mostly ups) in which God has taught me and continued to mold me into the man He has created me to be.

I do know that I have learned some significant things in this first year of taking on such a huge responsibility. So tomorrow in part 2 of this post I am going to whittle down everything to 5 biggest things I have learned in a year. So be watching I think it will be a good post. Which is hard for me to say because I don’t think any of my post are good post.

Thank you sooo much oneChurch Family for making this one of the most incredible years of my life. Thank you for allowing me to invest in to the lives of you children and students. Jennifer thanks for not killing me and supporting me even when it hurts. Chris thanks for giving me the shot I didn’t deserve. Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Josh thanks for being patient and helping me navigate through some of the mess. Bayne thanks for investing in me when you really had no reason to.  I could go on and on. Thanks everybody for an incredible year. I cant wait for 20 more.

Part 2 to come!!

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