Parent Week // You

So as I posted yesterday that in honor of our new arrival at the Millard (for more on that go  HERE ) home I am doing a blog series...

So as I posted yesterday that in honor of our new arrival at the Millard (for more on that go HERE) home I am doing a blog series called Parent week. I am dedicating this entire week to a few things that I have learned in my time as a parent.

Here are a few statements I wish someone had made to me earlier in life. They seem intuitive, but for me not so much.

You are Significant
You will make an impact on your child one way or another.
You decide what kind of impact you will make!
Your words may seem hollow but YOU have influence
You are the only parents your children will have
Your ACTIONS will speak far more than your words.
You have to fight for a BIGGER Story for your Family.
Your Love Matters more than you will ever really know
Your child needs discipline
You will set the tone in your house. Set it intentionally
You have to love others if you expect you children to
You have to fight for a healthy relationship if you truly want to be significant
You will have to fight for their heart
You will experience pain in that fight but IT IS worth it!!

Parent you matter and you play a huge role in the lives of your kids. Even though it may seem like you do not. You DO!! 

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