Monday Minute // Orange

Welcome to the Monday Minute. This is a post I do every Monday to share a resource or talk about something I am learning or ...

Welcome to the Monday Minute. This is a post I do every Monday to share a resource or talk about something I am learning or just share a completely random thought. Hope you Enjoy

So at the end of the month I am heading to the Orange Conference!! ( for more on them go HERE) this is one of my favorite weeks of the year.. I start looking forward to the next year the moment it ends. It’s a great conference that is geared toward leaders in the family ministry arena. They do a ton of great breakouts. I can honestly say that this year it was so difficult to process through and choose what breakouts I was going to attend.

If you are interested in the Orange philosophy and want to know more about Partnering with parents and creating alignment among all stages of life this would be a great conference for you and your team to attend.

This is a great conference and I cannot wait to attend it. Good news for you and yours. You can still sign up!! Hurry!! Go now!!

Here are my breakouts for this year!

Breakout 1: How to Motivate Volunteers – Kendra Fleming
Breakout 2: How to: Lead a Family Ministry Meeting – Mike Clear
Breakout 3: How to: Get More Done in a Day – Jim Wideman
Breakout 4: How to: Set Boundaries – Tom Shefchunas
Breakout 5: How to: Free a volunteer - Tom Shefchunas

Main Conference Breakouts
Breakout 1: Creativity, Living Sideways – Jared Herd
Breakout 2: Not Just a volunteer – Jeanne Stevens
Breakout 3: Recruiting Secrets that Work – Jim Wideman
Breakout 4: Helping Parents catch the Vision – Sue Miller

Hope to connect with you there!! 

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