Orange Tour

One of my favorite things to do every year is go to the Orange Conference. It is an amazing time to get away and refocus! The proble...

One of my favorite things to do every year is go to the Orange Conference. It is an amazing time to get away and refocus! The problem is that once its over I have to wait another year to go. Apparently the people at Orange knew what I wanted because the Orange Tour is coming to Nashville next week. I cannot wait.

If you have never been to Orange this is the perfect time to try it out and hear a little more about the Orange Strategy! And spending some time hearing from Reggie Joiner and Sue Miller is always a good thing! This is a great time for you and your team to take a day and think Orange and begin to process what is next for your ministry!

If you are interested in going go HERE!! The great news is that the Orange tour is hitting several other locations! So if Nashville is the one for you then check out what is closer. But you don’t want to miss the opportunity to be there.

If you don’t believe me!! Check out this Video!

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