
Breaking Point part 1

I think it happens to all of us! Especially in times of craziness or when things just don’t seem to slow down. I know th...

I think it happens to all of us!

Especially in times of craziness or when things just don’t seem to slow down.

I know that every so often if happens to me.

I let things and schedules and commitments get out of hand and it happens.

I hit my breaking point

I use to never recognize when it would happen. I use to never even be aware it was happening. It just would. I would get absolutely worn out and my attitude would go through the toilet. And it would almost fix itself by accident or after I did or said something stupid! As I have gotten further along in my leadership I have worked hard on creating a little more self-awareness when I am in those moments. When I am getting to my breaking point.

There are some things that start happening when I am there!

I get super defensive – people asking innocent questions and just needing simple things I take as an attack and I respond with attitude or I walk away feeling attacked and angry.

I hit my complaint quota – I get to a point where if I hear one more complaint I’m going to set the church building on fire! They may even be legitimate complaints handled in the correct way but I start to come to the end of my road!

I become an introvert – I am an extrovert by nature. But when I get to my breaking point I start to want to be alone constantly. People drain me completely.

My home life suffers – I am embarrassed to say this but I get short at home. I start to lose all patience with my wife and kids. I retreat to quiet places rather than engage my family!

I over eat – My eating and my weight are a problem for me. But when I get to the breaking point I will eat everything at all times. I don’t eat dinner. I eat the table!

Those are some of the ways I know I am hitting my breaking point. For what I do when I see it coming you will have to come back tomorrow.

What would you add to my list?

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