Session 3 // Andy Stanely
11:30 AM
The thing I am loving most about today is the subject matter
that we are covering. The whole day is dedicated to talking about culture of
your church and culture of your team! What 2 better people to hear from than
Andy Stanely and Craig Groeschel!
Andy nailed the last session when talked what
Characteristics of a Healthy Staff Culture
Here are some thoughts I grabbed from the session
Healthy and Productive Staff Cultures are Characterized by
Mutual Submission
Best Practices
Do for one what you wish you could do for all
Systemize top down service
Create and maintain a sustainable pace
Celebrate and reward mutual submission when you see it
Confront your Ego
Drop the term loyalty
Do for one what you wish you could do for all
Systemize top down service
Create and maintain a sustainable pace
Celebrate and reward mutual submission when you see it
Confront your Ego
Drop the term loyalty
Consistent questions in weekly meetings will shape vision
and what you value
We are all called to ministry!