Student Ministry
3:02 PM
As much as it goes against
my nature to actually have a post called thankful the day before thanksgiving I
felt like it was a must this year. I have been reminded time and time and time
again this year how many things I have to be Thankful for!
So here it goes!
My Wife – I have the greatest wife a guy could ask for. She knows
when to push me and when to encourage me. So many times over this crazy year
she has been my rock! I married up for sure and I immeasurably blessed to have
My faith – the gift that God has given me with His grace is something
is something I am reminded of every day! God stepping in and making a way for
me to be redeemed is the greatest gift I have in my life!
My Kids – I have the 4 greatest kids in the world! The highlight of
day is coming home every day after work and getting hugs from them! Their
smiles make my life better and I am better man because of them.
My Job – I have the coolest job in the world. Having spent a large
amount of my time and my life working jobs I hated I can truly say that I have
a job that I love. Getting to teach kids and students and those who teach them
is the greatest honor a guy could ask for!
The Team at oneChurch.tv – I work with some amazing people everyday.
People with a heart to reach the people that aren’t being reached! We have a
great a group of volunteers who give of their time every week to invest in the
people of oneChurch.tv!
Mentors – God has been so good to me to provide with several mentors
over the past few years. I have several men in my life who have been
intentional to come around me and help make me better by giving of their time!
I have had so many opportunities to meet some great men over the last few years
and I couldn’t be more thankful for them!
Amazing Friends - I have the greatest friends on the planet. This was proven recently as one of children had to have an operation. We were reminded ever so clearly of how blessed we are with friends. We have an amazing Small Group full of them.
Amazing Friends - I have the greatest friends on the planet. This was proven recently as one of children had to have an operation. We were reminded ever so clearly of how blessed we are with friends. We have an amazing Small Group full of them.
What would you add to my