
Monday Minute // Evernote for Pastors

I love Love Love Evernote. I honestly don’t know how I would function without it. I have it on my phone, my ipad, and my Mac! ...

I love Love Love Evernote. I honestly don’t know how I would function without it. I have it on my phone, my ipad, and my Mac! I love that I can have a program to store all of the things I need on all 3 places. Without taking any space up on my devices.

One of the things that was hard for me at first was figuring out exactly how I was going to make it work for me. I knew it was a great program and I felt like I should have a reason for it. But it took me a little time to flesh out what that was really going to look like for me. It took me several months of really playing with it before I finally figured out some of the tricks and made it work for me.

I wish then I would have had this resource to help me process how to apply Evernote for what I do.

Ron Edmondson (for more about him go HERE) has written an eBook called Evernote for Pastors! And it is an easy read that can totally make using Evernote and applying it to you soo much easier. And if you get it before January 31st then it will only cost you $1.99! Perfect!

Trust me when I tell you that if you are just now starting your use Evernote or if you haven’t begun to do so but you are considering it then this well worth the two dollars you are going to pay for it.

Here is a clip from Ron Edmondsons Blog where he talks about it!

Evernote has been one of the best tools I’ve discovered for making my job easier. Evernote for Pastors is a short, simple, easy-to-read and easy-to-apply eBook explaining how I use it and how it helps me in my ministry. I have partnered with my friend Ben Stroup to make this product available at a ridiculously low price, because we want to be a resource for pastors.

I’m not suggesting it will dramatically change your life…but I am suggesting, it could make your life a little easier.

If you would like to purchase it then go HERE! 

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