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Being on staff at church gives you a view of everything that happens behind the scenes within the organization. We get to see ...

Being on staff at church gives you a view of everything that happens behind the scenes within the organization. We get to see the good and the bad! We get to be a part of the life change that happens day in and day out! We also get to see all the worst parts of what goes on. And go head to head with some incredible challenges day in and day out!

But every once in a while we hear a story or witness something that is just soo incredible that it will literally remind us of why we do what we do and why we work soo tirelessly week in and week out.

A few weeks ago I got an incredible email from a mom of one of our students. It was an incredible email about the life change of not only a student but also an entire family. It was the story of how an entire family became engaged to our church because their student came to Relevant! The parent was amazed at the impact a couple of our group leaders had on their student’s life. Through that interaction an entire family plugged into the mission and vision of our church.

The win doesn’t really get any better than that!

So that week before our weekly student gathering I shared the email with our leaders to remind them why we do what we do and why we work soo hard. They were all encouraged and fired up!
Here is 3 things I noticed from that.

It Refuels– An entire school year gets long. Especially when the holidays come along! But I noticed that this gave a little extra pep in their step. They were reminded of the potential that their influence can have in the lives of the students they invest in every week!

It Refocuses – Sometimes we show up and we come but it becomes more about other things than about life change and allowing God to use us to shape the next generation. This is a good thing to bring the focus in and make it clear. Its about life change and being a part of shaping the next generation.

It Reminds – Sometimes we get going and we forget that we serve a God that wants to use us in the lives of others. We forget that not only does He want to be in relationship with us but He wants to use us as vessels for life change in the life of others. It is easy to forget that God wants us to be a part of a story.

What would you add to my List?

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