The Journey of a Lifetime Part 2

I wrote the other day about the fact that I have now been in Clarksville and at oneChurch for a year. (to read that go HERE ) It’s been a...

I wrote the other day about the fact that I have now been in Clarksville and at oneChurch for a year. (to read that go HERE) It’s been a crazy ride and I have loved every minute of it. Watching God move in and through the people around me has given me passion in ways I cannot really describe.

In the last blog I said I was going to tell you the 5 biggest things I learned over the last year. Even though this was a hard list to narrow because there have been a lot of life lessons I do believe that I have come up with the 5 most crucial things.

1. Vision and Actions have to Match up! I know this seems terribly obvious, but I discovered that you really have to dig down deep to discover if you are saying something because it sounds cute or if you really believe it and it is a part of who you are. That takes time, but it barely takes any time for people to discover if you have found a cute slogan to say repeatedly or if it is a part of whom you are and what you truly believe.

2. Don’t Sacrifice the Mission for the Strategy. We can become so married to the way that we do things or the model that is used that we stop evaluating if it is accomplishing our vision as an organization. We can become consumed in evaluating what we do on the basis of how new it is and how impressed people are with it and stop evaluating it from the perspective of how it is leading to life change. We have to be married to the MISSION FIRST. Then base the strategy on the how’s we have in mind for accomplishing it.

3. Quality Environments will Attract Quality Leaders. I don’t mean if they look nice everyone will be impressed and want to be a part of what you do. If everything looks nice you will get a lot of oo’s and ahh’s, but it will not go much beyond that. On the other hand if there is good leadership and things run smoothly so that people can best use their time to make the maximum impact, which really speaks to people.  That engages them on a different level, not to mention the way your current leaders will become your best spokesman.

4. Time away is HUGE! I really cannot explain how I would have never made it through the last year if I did not take time to get away and refuel. Whether it is with the family or it is to go to a conference with your staff it is huge. If you want to move forward with health then you have to set those times aside to get away and gain perspective and get refreshed. It is huge for you and your team.

5. I’m Really not That Smart! God in my life is huge. If I died tomorrow I will know that God used me to accomplish far more that I would have ever imagined. God in me has lead me to accomplish far more than I ever thought possible. Something I have discovered is the huge power of team. The teams I have around me make all the difference in the world. They are the smart ones engaging with one another for ideas and new and better ways of doing things. I am just blessed to be a part of it. I have noticed that coming to that realization and moving my ego and myself out of the way have allowed the teams around me to have more success. I cannot limit them to where I am. If I do that everyone will know how truly unintelligent I actually am!!

There it is. What an amazing year.

What have you learned in your last year? Have you evaluated what you have learned?

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