Introductions Please

Well the time has come that i have decided to become as serious as one can about blogging. This is a place for me to share my thoughts and l...

Well the time has come that i have decided to become as serious as one can about blogging. This is a place for me to share my thoughts and let everyone see how God works in my life as well as my family. Watching kids grow for me has to be one of the greatest and most amazing things. So instead of keeping that all to myself i will share with you how my family grows by leaps and bounds on a weekly basis!

This Beautiful young lady is my wife Jennifer. We have a been married since we were 17 and have had some more than serious bumps along the way but i love and adore her. She is 1 of 2 people in my life who has always refused to give up on me. She is simply the greatest mother there could ever be. She loves all children unconditionally. Right now she is making the adjustment from teacher to stay at home mom and homeschooler. I thought she should be able to do it with her eyes closed, but it has been difficult at times. She has gotten to a place now where i feel like she is really starting to settle in she is now reaping the benefits that come with being a stay at home mom. She is the most beautiful woman i have ever known. She still takes my breath away

This is my first child. Her name is Makayla. She is well.. ummm.. ME! haha. she is so much like me at times that its scary. unfortanately for everyone else she is a smart mouth like me, but the good news is she is developing her sense of humor and becoming quite funny. She is the most beautiful child inside and out. She loves people unconditionally and excepts everyone. Watching Makayla is a small picture of how Jesus accepts us. She has this amazing ability to lift someones spirits when they are having a bad day. I do not know that she has ever met a stranger. If she thought a wall would laugh i truly believe that she would carry on a meaningful conversation with it. She is a great big sister. She is a little spoiled at times but that to be expected when your the first born.

This little lady here is Marissa. She is without a doubt the funniset person that i know. She is rotten to the core and we love it. She has a smile that will steal your heart an attitude that will make you blush. She has that way of making a bad day so much better. She seems to always know the right times to come up to me and ask to sit in my lap. She calls everyone mommy. If you meet her she will inevitably call you mommy. Its only akward the first few times. I promise. ha. She keeps things interesting. She is hard to win over, but once you do she is yours for life. She takes time to warm up, but she is worth the wait.

This guy here is Mason. He is 8 months old and he is a blast. He is into everything, but he is so cute you just cant get mad at him. He has a smile that has stolen his mothers heart.. His favorite toy is a little basketball that he has. As God is my witness i have not pushed it on him. I think he just likes the bright orange color. It makes me feel better to think he just loves basketball. He is a lot of fun and gets way to much attention, but what can you say when he is that cute. He has just statrted saying mama and dada.. he says dada more.. ha. but he only says da when he is hanging with me and ma when he is hanging with jenn so we have become convinced that he knows who we are. if its not true do not tell us. We enjoy our fantasy land. He is my first boy and i love him dearly. I am really looking forward to what God has in store for this guy.
The large mammouth in the background of this picture is my dog moses. he is without question the most amazing dog in the world. I adore this guy. He is my best friend. He never talks back and in our conversations im always right. He was given to us by our dear friends Shane and Lori who moved to Canada. So i guess for me Moses is a little more than just a dog. He is a piece of my mentor and closest friend that i dont get see as much as i would like. he is a protector and if you come to our house do not make any sudden movements. He has already killed several people. Ha.

This is us. Minus moses of course. Family pictures with him are soon to come. I love them with all my heart and i am tahnkful for everyday that i have with them.

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  1. WHAT THE HECK!! When did you create a blog?? You should have told me; I would have added you to my friends list! I can't wait to read through it. . .

  2. I'm so excited Ryan! I love hearing about your family, you are a wonderful leader of your home. I try to keep up with you through Allen and Jess, but now I can keep up with you through your blog.

  3. Glad you have joined the blog group. I so love reading everyone's blogs and seeing pictures. It is a small taste of home.


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