Monday Minute
Monday Minute // A Million mile in a Thousand years
11:39 AM
I just finished this book and it was amazing. I will be honest I am probably a little biased just because I absolutely love Donald Miller and the way he writes and the way he communicates. This book is all about our story and living a better one for your self. One where were you take risks and allow God to show how big He is in your life. A lot of times we just aren’t living a very good story. We are doing things out of memory instead out of the imagination of how big God is.
This is a powerful book for me. One I have been shoving down my friends throat since I began reading it. Talking about your Story and what that should look like is huge to me and this book really helps you process through that. What it means to have a story and how big that story is seems to be the never ending question. Donald Miller tells amazing stories and absolutely sucks you in to his life. He is so transparent that you are helpless to not see what wonderful things God has done in and through him. You cannot help but see his Story!!
I would encourage everyone to read this book.
What is a book that you have read that has moved you?