
Monday Minute / Baby D

Welcome to the Monday Minute. This is a weekly segment on my Blog where I post a short thought on Random things. Maybe a resource or may...

Welcome to the Monday Minute. This is a weekly segment on my Blog where I post a short thought on Random things. Maybe a resource or maybe something I have experienced in the last week.

I have 4 children and one thing I know for sure is how significant each birth is. There is something about bringing a child into the world that moves you and shows you how big our God is. These are huge moments for parents, but I also know they are moments filled with questions. Who will they be, what will they like . . . so on and so forth.

At oneChurch.tv we do an event to celebrate this with the families. We do not do it the typical way in front of the entire church congregation, but instead we hold a smaller event with the folks that want to invite to be a part of this important day. We have them do homework in the weeks leading up to Baby D to start to focus in on the end so they can build a frame for how they are going to parent.

It’s a great event and I look forward to getting to be a part of it every time. As these parents engage into a life long commitment with their children.

We just had the honor of doing this event again and I wanted to share a resource with you to help if you have interest in an even like this.

Orange has a resource to give you everything you need to start this event. I promise you want to check this out and use this resource.

To get a better look go HERE

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