
Things my wife taught me that changed my life!

Today I celebrate 10 years of Marriage with my wife! I cannot believe that I am old enough to have done anything for 10 years. But the ...

Today I celebrate 10 years of Marriage with my wife! I cannot believe that I am old enough to have done anything for 10 years. But the greatest part of my life is that i get to spend it with her. and that i have had 10 incredible years with her. So in honor of that I thought I would share a post I  put up a few months ago talking about her and a little about our Journey! 

I have almost been married for 10 years now!! Which is simply crazy to think about for me. But as I have walked through this journey I have noticed some things about marriage. From my own marriage and from watching others. And though I could go on and on and on about some of the negative things I have seen. And I could go on and on and on about some of the positive things I have seen. There is one very clear thing that I have been made aware of over the years. . . .

I am a lucky lucky man!

Over our time together she has lived her life in such a way that it has taught me a lot about life. Some of these things she has actually said to me. And some of these things have just been made evident by the way she has interacted with me and loved me even when it wasn’t easy!

Here are 10 life-changing things I have heard from her that made a profound impact on me!

“There is something about you worth loving!”
“I support you even when it hurts.”
“I love you for who you are not who I want you to be.”
“Your are wrong from time to time!”
“After God I need to be the most important thing in your life.”
“Hang out with your Kids! The rules don’t matter if my kids don’t know they matter to me!”
“No matter what happens in your life I will be by your side and we will face it together.”
“You can be better.”
“God is using you”
“Grow Up”

Now if you know my wife you know that she is not a woman of many words. She is more of an introvert. We often have a joke that if Jennifer gives you a compliment you should really take pride in it because she meant it!!

Those statements are not necessarily statements that have come out of her mouth to me over the years. They are statements that she has made to me by the way she loves me. By the way she interacts with me and by the way she interacts with out children. God knew He would give me someone that would love me in a way that it would change me.

Our spouses were not designed to be puppets on strings telling us what we want to hear and doing what we want or demand. The most trusted voice in my life is my WIFE! Because I know she wants what’s best for me and for our family. And that means she will love me when it hurts and she will tell me the HARD things!

I have learned from my wife. Not because she does and says exactly what I want her to do and I want to hear. But because she loves me enough to push me to be more and push me to be better.

Those things she has told me with her life have allowed me to grow at MY pace and know that I will be loved either way.

What has your Spouse taught you??

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