What . . . .

I often times spend a lot of time trying to think of just the perfect post. I spend a lot of time trying to make sure that I have the pe...

I often times spend a lot of time trying to think of just the perfect post. I spend a lot of time trying to make sure that I have the perfect post and that everything flows and sound just right. And I love writing. But sometimes I get stuck on a thought. I get stuck on a question. Right now I stuck on one. I want to share it.

One of my biggest fears is that there are churches all across America who don’t ask this question. There is not one right answer! The important thing is that we ask the question.

What are we doing as the church to make our community better?

How do we pour into our community without any expectation of getting anything back?

Too often we settle in to the routine of creating an environment for people to come and see. But I think we need to consider how we are taking Jesus to them.

There ya go. Nothing pretty about this one. Just a thought. Feel free to share with me what you think! 

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