Illuminate Session 1 // Jim Wideman

The first session was with Jim Wideman (for more on him go HERE ) and he killed it. Jim is one of the wisest leaders I have ...

The first session was with Jim Wideman (for more on him go HERE) and he killed it. Jim is one of the wisest leaders I have ever gotten to hear. Any time I am at a conference if Jim is there is try to hear him. He is a long time Children's Pastor! He puts big leadership ideas in a practical way like i have never seen! 

Today he talked to Kidmin volunteers about time management and how to set the right priorities! 

Here are my notes from the session! 

Things you need to be more organized
Desire - Do you really desire to be organized or do you use excuses based around your personality and tendencies!
Goal - You need to goals to move in any specific direction! What do you want to accomplish?
Priorities - We all say we have Priorities but what does your calendar really say about what your priorities are? If they don’t really reflect what you say they are you may need to revaluate!

The right tools
- Calendar
- Timer
- Connected to the Internet
- Phone 

How do you do it?
- Planning
- Preparation
- Evaluation

Be consistent and Do it! 

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